South Bay Family Sailing Series-January 15, 2022, Saturday, (4.8 nm)

Wonderful race.  Wonderful awards ceremony.  Thanks Pier 32 Marina.  Here are the results:

Saturday January 15, 2022 was a fantastic day for sailing.  The one thing we left out of our advertising regarding our South Bay Family Sailing Series: “We will sail on race day rain, or shine”  That should be corrected to “rain, or shine, or tsunamis”.  Everyone was worried there was going to be NO wind.  My weather app said there was going to be wind gusting from the east to 24 knots at 1PM.  Low tide was at 2:30 PM so the tide would be going out during the whole race. There were grey skies, light winds and drizzle. It was supposed to be a short race as there was an Awards Ceremony and party for the race winners for 2021 at Pier 32 Marina after the race.

Thirteen boats were circling the starting for the noon horn. With the noon horn the first group of our pursuit race were off. This class consisted of; Pau Hana, Fast Sunday, Madam Wu, Aragorn, Miller Time III and BlewByU.  Five minutes after the first group crossed the line our second group Bon Temps and Estate Sail started the course. Finally, at 12:10 the third group of Marilee, Osprey, Consigliere, Ran, and Elusive headed for the first mark.

It appeared the US Navy had tampered with our “A” buoy.  The new position was about ½ mile to the east of the old position. This made the race more “interesting”.

By the second mark Estate Sail was in the lead followed closely by Consigliere and Elusive. At the third mark R28 the wind died. Up to that point in the race the winds were 6-10 knot range and the boats were all progressing nicely.  With a party to attend, prizes and trophies to claim, it was announced that the race ends at R28.  The distance would be 4.8 nm.  Times and places would be judged by raceQs.  However, it appeared only 11 of the 13 boats recorded the race.  We will do our best to recreate the finish times.

First was Elusive 13:12:03, followed by Consigliere 13:12:15, Estate Sail 13:14:02, Bon Temps 13:16:09, Marilee 13:16:41, BlewByU at 13:17:30, Osprey 13:20:34, Fast Sunday 13:33:58, Aragorn 13:34:56, Miller Time III 13:38:24, Pau Hana 14:00:32, Madam Wu 14:08:08. Ran and BlewByU?????????? We will put BlewByU at 13:17:30 and Ran at ?

Putting all this information into the Mike Collins Handicap System we arrive at the following:

We will report things a little different this month and see how everyone likes it.


Elusive                                    1                      2                      1

Consigliere                  2                      4                      2

Osprey                         5                      1                      7

Marilee                        3                      5                      6

Estate Sail                   4                      3                      4

BlewByU                    7                      6                      3

Bon Temps                  6                      8                      5

Aragorn                       9                      7                      8

Fast Sunday                8                      9                      9

Miller Time III           10                    10                    10

Pau Hana                     11                    11                    11

Madam Wu                 12                    12                    12


Congratulations 2021 WINNERS

First Place Miller Time III, Second Place: Astra, Third Place: BlewByU

A special award The Mike Collins “I love to sail” Award goes to Fast Sunday.

Enjoy your trophies.

Thank you Pier 32 Marina for 11 years of support

The trophies, the tee shirts, the eats and drinks at the party, the raffle prizes

If you were not there-You Missed a fine time with fellowship, prizes, eats and drinks

Our NEXT race is Saturday, February 19, 2022

We hope to see you all there. Win a trophy next year.

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